Visa's Numerics Initiative

The electronification of payments is more successful than ever anticipated. To address the industry shortage in supply, the International Organization of Standards (ISO) has expanded the length of issuing BINs from 6 to 8 digits. Visa is supporting this change to fuel innovation of the payment ecosystem.

How expanded BIN length may affect you

Numerics Initiative action steps

We encourage clients to take action sooner rather than later and plan now for changes that can affect their back-office systems—both processing and downstream.

Resources to get you started

Since 2015, Visa has been preparing our clients to support the numerics expansion. We encourage our clients to more actively manage their BIN portfolio now, in preparation for future opportunities. Check out some of our resources below to begin your planning today.

Together, we are innovating the payment ecosystem

The ongoing evolution of digital payment products and form-factors will increase the necessity of our collective agility and speed to market. The continued advancement of our clients, partners and competitors empowers all of us to move into the next generation of digital payments, together.

Get ready for April 2022

The 8-digit BIN expansion is coming. Contact your Visa representative for more information about what you can do to prepare now.